To enable you to proceed with the transaction, you must read and accept the terms and conditions below by selecting I AGREE and clicking CONTINUE: –

  1. You must ensure & confirm the product along with the quantity ordered, delivery address, telephone number, delivery method & payment method chosen by you are correct & accurate according to the order confirmation.
  2. When you confirm the order, you need to allow the company to charge your credit/debit card for the payment of the order that has been made, if you choose to use a credit card as your method of payment.
  3. You agree to pay the Handling charges (postage, processing charges, etc.) as stated in the company invoice.
  4. After you confirm the order, you must agree that your online order is FINAL and CANNOT be altered, deleted or exchanged with another product.
  5. You have agreed to the following delivery schedule:

If the order has been confirmed, it will be sent to you according to the following period:

  • Local districts and urban areas; expected limit of 4-5 working days from the date of order.
  • Outside areas & Sabah/Sarawak/Labuan; expected limit of 7-10 working days from the date of order.

6. When you receive an order from the courier service, make sure you check by making sure the product and quantity received are correct as ordered. You can contact Customer Service within 7 days from the date of receipt if there is any discrepancy. Any discrepancies reported after the given period will NOT be entertained.

  1. Orders made online either using a courier service cannot be returned and exchanged unless the product received by you does not match the requested order and has quality problems.

Products are ONLY allowed to be returned if they meet the following conditions: –
  1. Quality issues are caused by manufacturing defects based on certain specifications set by the company.
  2. Damaged products during the delivery process, where must be reported to the company’s Customer Service within 7 days from the date of receipt, EXCEPT: – Product defects caused by negligence, improper handling, or improper storage by the customer.
  3. Products returned must be in the original packaging with content not less than 80% of the original packaging.
  4. Cashback is NOT allowed at all.